Blending Zander and Swerve

Preparing for a black and white classic class with the Art Clubbers, I used the my Art Raffle app to pull out a sequence to test my theories. Zander, Printemps and Arukas (Zentangle) and also Ayame (Emiko Kaneko), Swerve (Jody Genovese) and Kwazeela (my own).

Here’s a little step-out of how this tile happened. I cannot deny that I simply love black and white work. It is my all time favorite technique for meditative and intuitive work. Notice how the tangles blend into each other.

I had a hard time with Kwazeela and Ayame, they did not want to play and blend nicely, but I love what happened to Zander and Swerve, and also the subtle blend between Kwazeela and Printemps. I’m ESPECIALLY pleased with the crazy crystalline Arukas behind Zander. Fun!!!

Here’s a close-up for you to inspect:

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