Shaded Coffering

Art and Zentangle by Eni Oken

Coffering is an Art Enhancer introduced into Zentangle world by Maria in Project Pack #7 Day 12 (watch the video here). This tile is a variation on that project. Coffering is a term extracted from the architectural world which simulates sunken panels. The technique is simple: add an internal aura inside a shape and connect the corners.

The real challenge is to shade the coffered effect so that it looks sunken. Here you can see a short step-out of the process:

Art and Zentangle by Eni Oken

The shading took me so incredibly long that in the end I inked out the smaller circles and added some galaxy stars with white gel pen. Looks so cool, like I'm looking upward from the inside of a space station or planetarium.

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Art and Zentangle by Eni Oken

2021Eni Okencoffering, galaxy